

Pelvic adhesion, a common disease, is caused by infection from the pelvic organs like uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries. Pelvic adhesion isn't a disease that can be underestimated, because it can bring many symptoms like lower back pain, irregular menses and even infertility to women. 
This condition is curable and the surgery is one of the most familiar methods. What's more, the effect of surgery is excellent, too, because adhesion can be cured quickly. However, the recurrence rate of this treatment is very high too. As you may know that the bacterial infection is the major cause of pelvic adhesion, so even the adhesion can be separated by surgery, the untreated infection can bring the adhesion back again. Therefore, to cure the pelvic adhesion totally, not only the adhesion should be cured, but also infection should be cured.
There is an herbal pill named Fuyan pill which not only can solve the adhesion but also can clear away heat and toxic infection. Fuyan pill can solve this problem fundamentally. 
In addition to the infection, the recurrence of pelvic adhesion can also be induced by many other factors like diet and bad hygiene. So here are some tips:
1. Healthy diet
After surgery, patients need to be on a strict diet control. Do not have spicy food and alcohol. Chicken, fish, beef, shrimp, seafood, pickled vegetables, and milk should be avoided. Do not eat too much chocolate, coffee, coke, fried and baked food. You can eat pork, bread, noodles, nuts, fresh vegetables, eggs and fruits, fruit juice, water, and tea. A good diet will help you get cured. 
2. Good hygiene habit
A good hygiene is also good for the prevention for the recurrence of pelvic adhesion. It is known that the bacterial infection can flow back with the retrograded urine current, bringing adhesion to women again, so it is necessary for women to keep the vulva clean, especially during menstrual periods. Therefore, it is better for women to change and wash underwear frequently. 
3. Pay attention to the leucorrhea
Leucorrhea is an important sign to reflect the healthy condition of women. We can tell the healthy condition of a woman from the volume, the color and the smell of the leucorrhea. If the smell is bad, the color is yellowish and volume is increasing, women may have the pelvic adhesion again and treatment like Fuyan pill is needed.

Endometrial hyperplasia, with a certain tendency to become cancerous, brings a lot of adverse effects to patients. And one of the most severe complications of this disease is female infertility. Therefore, once suffering endometrial hyperplasia, patients should adopt appropriate treatment.

Clinically, there are many treatment options for endometrial hyperplasia: ovulation induction drugs, progesterone, curettage treatment and so on. However, though they have certain curative effects that affect the female fertility to some degree.
Ovulation induction drugs promote the ovulation of eggs, increasing incidences of multiple births; long-term use of progesterone can result in endocrine disorders, making the condition worse; and curettage direct damages the uterus, affecting fertility.
To treat endometrial hyperplasia without affecting the fertility, more and more patients tend to choose a more conservative treatment - traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Compared to these western medicine treatments, TCM has unique advantages.
The main symptoms of endometrial hyperplasia are irregular menstruation, abnormal uterine bleeding and vaginal discharge. In TCM, the disease belongs to the categories of "prolonged menstruation, menorrhagia and uterine bleeding". According to TCM, dysfunctional uterine bleeding and menorrhagia are commonly caused by heat and dampness in the lower energizer, sluggish blood circulation and qi deficiency. As for the abnormal vaginal discharge, it is usually associated with inflammation. 
Therefore, to treat endometrial hyperplasia, functions like clearing away heat and dampness, promoting blood circulation, nourishing qi and eliminating inflammation are required. To reach these effects, patients can take a patented medicine - fuyan pill.
According to the principles of TCM treatment, fuyan pill is reasonably combined with more than 50 herbs. For example, herbs like ngelica, peach kernel and safflower are commonly used to promote blood circulation; honeysuckle and radix scutellariae are mainly used to clearing away heat and toxic materials; herbs that can enhance the immunity are applied into fuyan pill, making it possible for fuyan pill to prevent the recurrent endometrial hyperplasia. 
This pill both treats the symptoms and eliminates the lesions, effective curing endometrial hyperplasia and preventing its relapse. In addition, as fuyan pill is made from pure herbs, it is safe and harmless. The herbal medicine won't affect the fertility of patients.
Treating endometrial hyperplasia with TCM can minimize the injuries to patients. It won't bring any adverse effects. On the contrary, TCM can do benefit to females. Therefore, for patients with endometrial hyperplasia, TCM is a good choice.

Is there any relationship between exercise and endometriosis? What’s that? For these questions, there are two distinct viewpoints on the internet: exercise can help to prevent endometriosis, and exercise may lead to the occurrence of this disease. Then this may confuse many people, which statement is true? In this article, Dr. Lee Xiaoping, an expert who specializes in gynopathy treatment, will give a detailed answer.
Can exercise prevent endometriosis? 
As regards whether exercise can effectively play the role of disease prevention, Dr. Lee sais the answer is yes. Sports can help improve the immune system and capacity for resistance. And for endometriosis, the white blood cells, especially the phagocyte, is active in campaigners. They engulf the traveling menstrual blood and endometrial tissue, thus greatly reducing the risk of the illness. In addition, reasonable exercise can increase the concentration of androgen in human body. This also do great benefit to prevent endometriosis.
To be helpful for endometriosis prevention, how long and when should exercise be done? 
To have reasonable exercise, it is necessary to know the time for exercise. According to a survey, women who exercise more than two hours per week run a much smaller risk of developing endometriosis. 
Moreover, when exercise is done is also important. Women should keep in mind that too intense movement is forbidden during menstrual period. During menstruation, the endometrium falls off. As too intense movement can lead to menstrual blood reflux, it may result in ectopic endometrium. And that is why there are reports about why movement may cause endometriosis. Therefore, to decrease the onset of the disease, women should avoid excessive exercise at this time. 
The recommend treatment: traditional Chinese medicine fuyan pill
Exercise contributes to the endometriosis prevention. However, it can not completely avoid the onset of the illness. Once suffering endometriosis, patients should receive timely treatment. And for this, patent medicine fuyan pill is recommended.
Fuyan pill can directly work on the leisure, effectively eliminating various disease symptoms and repairing the internal environment. As it improves the environment that may induce endometriosis, and includes some herbs that can enhance the immunity, it can effectively prevent the disease relapse. So far, fuyan pill has pulled many women out of endometriosis. Being natural and effective, fuyan pill is accepted by more and more endometriosis patients.


言葉自体が説明するように、デザイナーブランドの服は、消費者のニーズを満たすものを与えるように設計されていますエルメネジルドゼニアダウンジャケット。 これは、新しい創造的なファッションを導入し、特定のニーズのための具体的なテクスチャを使用してファッショントレンドを、以下、連続、その顧客が要求す る品質、快適さを提供します。お客様は優雅さが好きです。衣料品は、人のアイデンティティを表現することができます。昔と同じように、世界の特定の部分の みを王と地方の領主で特定の色を特定の服を着ることができました。それは、人の状態が表示されます。無意識のうちに、いくつかはまた、彼らは有名なブラン ドの服を着ている自信を感じている。他のものは、品質と快適さのような単純な理由のためにそのような服装を探すことができる。それはズボンに来るときたと えば、特に、私は非常に快適比較的アルマーニ、またはゼニアを見つけました。

これらは、設計者の服装が高価である理由はの一部です。すべての作品を慎重に熟慮と努力して設計されていますゼニアダウンジャケット。 また、それは必要があり、製品はまた、設計者は彼または彼女自身を表しているため、それはより良い設計者であること。しかし、高価格の確かに多くはそれの ために確立したブランド名である。需要が価格を上に押し上げるものであり、コストのことも多くまさにそれを実現するために、広告に行く。結局のところ、そ れは、そのような衣服のバイヤーが探しているものです。

ミランは買い物天国です。その通りには簡単にあなたの心を吹くことができる高級ファッションブテケント アンド カーウェン

そ れがブランドに来るときあなたがミラノにあります大手の名前はアルマーニ、ゼニア、KRIZIA、ミラショーン、ミッソーニ、モスキーノ、トラサルディ、 ヴェルサーチなどが挙げられる。 (あなたはすなわち世界的に有名な商店街があります黄金の四角形、モンテナポレオーネ通り、デラスピガ、ビアBorgospesso、およびVIAサンタ ンドレア)Quadrilateroドーロとショッピングの冒険を開始します。


ミ ランは豪華なファッションに代名詞となっているが、あなたはわずかな予算上の方に最適です安価な市場が存在することを見出すことに驚かれることでしょう。 イタリアのこの部分で最大のストリートマーケットはティチネーゼ/ナビリオ地区のVia Papinianoに位置しています。ここでは、ほとんど使用されているデザイナー秒と高い街で見られるものよりもずっと安くなっています、他のファッ ションアイテムが見つかります。

あなたは物質的なもので数千ドルを費やして気にしないハイファッション愛好家をしているか、あなたが程度の 良い掘り出し物を得るためにちょうどフリーマーケットを磨くたい実用的な1しているかどうか、ミランはあなたのための完全なショッピングの場所です。それ は誰のためにすべてを持っています。

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